Easter… by Jon

We went down to Waxhaw to celebrate Easter this year.  We went down on Friday with Aunt Amy along for the ride.  Levi slept the whole time down I am pretty sure.  We arrived in time for some of the best enchiladas of my life.  Seriously.  Andrea was down for the weekend as well.  It’s always good to see her.  After dinner we watched Prince Caspian.  Not sure who all made it through all of the movie but we finally finished it up.  Jessica and Grandpa Bruce headed to bed after while the rest of us stayed up and talked.  I am pretty sure we were getting delirious and laughing at just about anything that we said.

Saturday morning started with coffee and cinnamon rolls.  They are always delicious when Nana makes them.  She is such a wonderful cook!  After breakfast Bruce and I headed out to cut down a few trees for a family friend.  Bruce let me do the honors.  I love making chainsaw music with a saw with a new chain.  After we took down the first tree (the larger one) we limbed it and cut it into sections so we could drag it up out of the woods with the Bronco so it would be easier to cut up into firewood.  Only one injury was sustained on the second to last log we dragged out as my thumb got smashed in between a metal bar and a tree.  Did not feel so great (It’s much better now).  We headed home for a bite to eat then we came back to take down the other tree.  That one went down without incident.  Finally the work got to us and we were dragging on so we decided to head home.  During our time cutting down trees, the girls did some shopping and visit with friends.  All in all it was a good Saturday afternoon.

Saturday evening was Easter Dinner.  This made Sunday much less stressful for Nana.  Again Nana made a wonderful meal that we all probably ate too much of.  Ham, hash brown casserole, corn casserole, and plenty of other delicious food.   After cleanup we put in another movie, Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and again some of us did not make it all the way through.  We all went to bed after this one because we were worn out.

Sunday morning was church.  It was a good message.  Not one I was used to hearing, but it was good.  I was also distracted by the little bundle of cuteness that we had with us.  After church we headed home for leftovers from the meal the night before.  We all crashed at one point.  6 adults and one baby all napping at the same time.  It must have been a miracle.  We headed home around 4PM and took the scennic/less traffic route back home.  I was happy that we went that way because we had hardly any traffic.  Levi slept the entire way home again.  This kid tends to enjoy his car rides.

All in all it was a wonderful weekend celebrating the Death and Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ.  I am glad that we were able to be with family that we love!

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Julie Powell
    Apr 27, 2011 @ 08:40:52

    Thanks for the kind words Son!


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