my 28th birthday… by Jessica

today is my 28th birthday.  it also apparently the limit of my brain capacity.  when baby levi woke up from his nap at 11:00 this morning i thought to myself “ah, perfect.  it’s time for him to eat.”  i went to get him from his crib.  i changed his diaper.  i brought him to the living room to hang out.  then i decided we need to water the garden.  then he started fussing.  a lot.  i couldn’t figure out why he was fussy!  i checked his diaper.  i checked his clothes to make sure nothing was pinching him.  i bounced him and rocked him and for 30 minutes he cried!  so i put him in his swing to see if that would calm him and i took the trash out.  when i came back in i took one look at him and realized i had forgotten to feed him at 11:00!!!  poor little boy was crying for almost 40 minutes and i never once thought “hmm, maybe he’s hungry.”  it was very weird and definitely the first time that has ever happened.  so i fed him and he was perfectly happy.  and i don’t feel too bad, because i know that he probably wasn’t starving.  i just feel a little ditzy!

so other than that, my birthday has been delightful.  it is 1:00 in the afternoon and we are both still in our pj’s.  we don’t do this often.  even though i stay at home with the baby i still am intentional about getting a shower and getting dressed every day (unless i know i’m going to be doing a lot of cleaning that day).  i got a lot of shopping money, which is awesome because i very much need some new clothes to go with my new bod.  the baby weight is gone, but everything is in a new place!  jon did a great job with my birthday presents.  i got a rain jacket, kit kats, and a flip camcorder!  i’m so excited!  i wanted to get one before the baby was born, but i was slack about it and then we kind of ran out of time.  oh, and he also got me the new Harry Potter movie,  which i have not seen yet because i was hugely pregnant when it was in theaters and i couldn’t comfortably sit through a whole movie at one time.  i can’t wait to watch it!

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