Four Generations of Thommarson Men

And they are handsome!

the library sale… by jessica

a couple months ago the durham county public library had a big sale.  on the last day of the sale you could buy a grocery bag (paper, not plastic) and fill it to the brim for only $7.00.  we definitely had to take advantage of that!  we really racked up… and now we need a new bookshelf!  here are the titles we came home with.

the cider house rules… john irving

the dive from clausen’s pier… ann packer

snow flower and the secret fan… lisa see

the memory keeper’s daughter… kim edwards

we were the mulvaneys… joyce carol oates

bringing up boys… dr. james dobson

reading lolita in tehran… azar nafisi

running with scissors… augusten burroughs

taltos… anne rice

blood and thunder, an epic of the american west… hampton sides

snow falling on cedars… david guterson

the shipping news… e. annie proulx

the book of ruth… jane hamilton

middlesex… jeffrey eugenides

bel canto… ann patchett

on becoming baby wise book two… gary ezzo

marley & me… john grogan

vegetable gardening

in addition to all of these, we also got another book about gardening (which is currently on loan to jon’s dad) and some records for corey.  i’m pretty sure it will take me 10 years to read all of these books, but $7.00 for 19 books was just too irresistible for me to pass up.