Mr. Two-Month Old!!

On Monday Levi had his 2-month birthday & his 2-month doctor’s appointment.

He weighed in at 12.5 lbs and measured 23.2 inches.  Big boy!  The every 3-hour feedings are paying off!

Levi is such a laid back little boy.  He is generally happy throughout the day.  He fusses occasionally, which is fine because he almost never really cries.  Like I said, he eats every 3 hours during the day and usually has a short nap between every feeding.  At night we put him in bed at 8:30 and he puts himself to sleep.  It’s great!  Then I wake him at 10:30 to top him up before I go to bed.  Then he sleeps soundly for several hours, wakes up once to nurse, and then goes right back to sleep.  Then we both get up around 8:00.  It’s going really well!  He is a healthy, happy little boy.

Tummy time!

Tummy time!


Well I decided today would be a good day to start a family blog.  Will we keep up with it?  I really don’t know.  Blogging is a funny thing.  I usually never know what to write about or I get distracted with 1,000 other things that I usually tend to forget.

So here goes nothing!

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