almost six months (already)!… by Jessica

About once an hour I say to myself, “How is it possible that Levi is already almost six months old?” Or, “How can it have already been six months since I was in the hospital having a baby.” Or some other variation of disbelief. They say time flies and they are right, whoever they are.

We haven’t had Levi’s six-month appointment yet, so I don’t know how much he weighs yet, and I don’t feel like measuring him to see how tall his, but I imagine he weighs around 17 or 18 pounds now and he is getting so chunky. I look at his adorable chunky thighs and my heart swells with pride: those sweet chunky thighs are completely my doing. This boy has consumed nothing but milk from my body and he is plumping up like crazy! I have been tempted a couple of times to go ahead and start giving him rice cereal, as the pediatrician said I could if I wanted to when we were at his four-month appointment. But she also said she usually prefers for moms to wait until six months of age if possible as long as the baby is gaining weight and sleeping well at night. Since the little guy gives me an arm workout every day and sleeps through the night I have not felt super compelled to start solids. I was going to this past weekend, but I guess I chickened out. I know once we start we can’t go back, and once we start I can no longer take 100% credit for that delicious chunky-ness. So… I continue to wait. His six-month appointment is on August 9, so I imagine that the pediatrician will recommend starting solid food then.

I am so thankful that God has allowed me to stay at home with this little guy, and I’m thankful that He gave me a husband who desires for our children to be brought up at home by me. Cutting our yearly household income in half is a huge sacrifice, though, and I’m starting to feel a little weird about not getting a paycheck of my own every two weeks. I don’t feel bad about it… just weird. I guess it’s just an adjustment that I am going through. It’s the first time in my life since I was 14 that I haven’t had a [paying] job! And Levi is such an easy baby, and he is in a phase where he plays well during the day and naps for around 4 hours total during the day, so frankly I have quite a bit of leisure time, and I sometimes feel a little guilty about that. I think that what I need to do is enjoy it! Once we decide to bring another baby into the family that time will be gone forever. Well, at least until all of our children are out of the house!

I think Levi enjoys having me at home too. 🙂 He spends his days smiling, kicking, playing on the floor, rolling from back to belly, getting stuck on his belly, getting mad about being on his belly (which eventually results in me rolling him back over), getting sleepy, taking naps (which he puts himself to sleep for), nursing, swinging, blabbering, and basically just being the baby of my dreams.